cowboy, surf, poetry, viking, sven Cowboy Surf Poetry

The Svens

The Svens is a one-of-a-kind music/poetry/performance ensemble.  Brainchild of Viking, the concept is unique:  combine surf music, classic rock tunes, add a bit of poetry, sound bytes, drama, and schtick...then have all the musicians play instruments they don't normally play!  (I'm really a Trumpet/Flugelhorn player...right?)  Put it all together and you have something very special - and it just gets better (because we get better on those instruments we don't usually play!)

In this group I play Tenor Sax and sing once in a while.  It's great fun to be Saxy.

The Svens' music has been feature on OPB and the band has numerous recordings available.  

Viking sets the scene:

Drake, Missouri. Small town eight days off the Oregon Trail. The world outside Drake rushes past. Families in wagons headed for a new life in the Western frontier. Prospectors looking for riches. Others with intentions less honest. In Drake, the days march past in a slow procession of stories. The story of Drake and the people in it is as big as the West. Beautiful Mary, the gem of Gaskonade County; the Sheriff; the Blacksmith; each with a story. There are many stories in Drake. The world of Drake is revealed chapter by chapter as The Svens spin cowboy surf poetry tales.

Follow The Svens on Facebook.

The Svens are:

Viking - leader / guitar

Sven - guitar / organ

BasSven - bass

Saxy Sven - tenor sax

Sticky Sven - drums